Divorce This House - Segment 1
Some of the Biggest Divorce Mistakes concern the House. And what you don't know during divorce will hurt you more, long after.
Before you agree to keep the house, make sure you know the 4 Surprising Truths of Divorce Real Estate:
Truth #1: When dividing YOUR marital property, Appraisal Minus Mortgage does NOT equal Equity.
Truth #2: Keeping your House After Divorce is Expensive and Extremely Risky.
Truth #3: Waiting Until After Your Divorce to Prepare/Sell Your House Is Too Late.
Truth #4: For Sale By Owner - DISASTROUS! When homeowners divorce, they disagree more. To successfully "Divorce This House," you need an an RCS-D REALTOR® who can help you determine your best options now for a fair property settlement and a stronger financial future.
Divorce This House - Segment 2
The Surprising Truth About Keeping Your House After Divorce. As explained by Rosemary Frank, CDFA, a financial advisor specializing in divorce, keeping your house after divorce may be one of the biggest mistakes you can make.
Divorce This House - Segment 3
The Surprising Truth about Using Child Support or Maintenance, Alimony To Qualify for a Mortgage After Divorce. As explained by Holley Sedlak, a mortgage professional specializing in divorce, not all forms of alimony and child support count as your income for mortgage purposes after your divorce.
Divorce This House - Segment 4
The Surprising Truth about Refinancing Your Mortgage After Divorce. As explained by Daniel Askew, a mortgage counselor specializing in divorce, waiting until after your divorce to qualify for mortgage refinance on the marital home is a HUGE mistake.
Divorce This House - Segment 5
The Surprising Truth about Easy Equity Boosters. When you sell your house per your divorce ... your house MUST sell. Equity boosters are not only essential but are surprisingly easy and affordable as well.
Divorce This House - Segment 6
The Surprising Truth about Your Credit Score After Divorce. As explained by Holley Sedlak, a mortgage counselor specializing in divorce, any joint mortgage and/or credit accounts, unpaid after divorce, can damage your credit for years - even if your divorce decree requires your spouse to make the payments.
Divorce This House - Segment 7
The Surprising Truth about Curb Appeal Boosters/Windows. When you sell your house per your divorce ... your house MUST sell. Equity boosters are not only essential but are surprisingly easy and affordable as well.
Divorce This House - Segment 8
The Surprising Truth about Valuing Your House. As explained by Chuck Neighbors, an RCS-D REALTOR® and Broker specializing in divorce, it takes a TEAM to successfully "Divorce This House" - whether you stay or sell.
Divorce This House - Segment 9
More Surprising Truths about Valuing Your House. As explained by Vicki Benjamin and Melissa Rogers with Warranty Title, unpaid liens reduce your home equity - whether you stay or sell per your Divorce. To successfully Divorce your house, a pre-divorce title search is critical.
Divorce This House - Segment 10
Exploring Some of the BIGGEST mistakes in Divorce Real Estate for which the Surprising Solutions are FREE!
Divorce This House - Segment 11
Critical real estate inspections you need BEFORE you negotiate to keep your house per divorce.
Divorce This House - Segment 12
Four experts explain the surprising truth about keeping the house - and why selling your house is often smarter during divorce.